West Wickhams, the enigmatic duo of Jon Othello and Elle Flores, hail from the mystical Tresco on the Isles of Scilly, a locale steeped in tales of lost souls and exotic, subtropical flora. Now based in Richmond, Surrey, this “psychedelique Noir Deux peace” crafts a sound as intriguing and multifaceted as their origin story. Their music echoes the haunting vibe of Tresco, blending eerie, psychedelic elements with a dark, noir aesthetic that is both captivating and unsettling. The duo’s relocation to Richmond, a place “where the creatures rule,” seemingly infuses their music with a grittier, more terrestrial quality, hinting at the ever-present influence of their surroundings. The conceptual framing of West Wickhams as an imagined rival gang to the punk style icons, the Bromley Contingent, adds an additional layer of mystique and rebellion to their identity. This narrative not only enriches their music but also positions them within a specific cultural lineage, invoking the spirit of punk’s confrontational style and defiant attitude. Musically, West Wickhams explores a territory that is at once familiar and alien. Their tracks might blend swirling guitars with moody, atmospheric synths, creating soundscapes that transport listeners to a shadowy, otherworldly plane. The interplay between Jon’s possibly deeper, resonant tones and Elle’s ethereal harmonies could evoke a sense of timeless drift, akin to the echo of waves against the rocky shores of their island home.
The imagery associated with their music—of shipwrecked figureheads and spectral landscapes—further intensifies the feeling of a phantasmagoric narrative unfolding. Each song is not just heard but experienced, as if one is walking through a fog-laden path on Tresco, uncovering stories embedded in the mist. West Wickhams’ artistic expression and visual aesthetic are reflective of a deep engagement with their roots and influences, all while forging a path that is distinctly their own. Their music, imbued with a sense of place and history, invites listeners to delve into a world where past and present coalesce into something beautifully eerie and endlessly intriguing. With each note and lyric, West Wickhams not only pays homage to their punk predecessors but also challenges the listener to explore the depths of their musical landscape. For those drawn to the darker, more poetic corners of the music world, West Wickhams offers a rich, immersive experience that resonates with the soulful echoes of their mysterious island origins.
